GDR RNA: a network opportunity for scientists working on RNA targeting and modification

The aim of this network, resolutely at the interface of chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics, cell biology and structural biology, is to develop new therapeutic tools, with potential applications in the clinic, but also to develop new methodological tools in chemical biology, in order to better understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms in which RNAs are involved. This network brings together the scientific efforts led by the french teams working in the field of RNA targeting and modification. We wish to strengthen collaborations at the national level and improve the visibility of this theme at the national and international level.

Scientific policy

The aim of this GDR is to bring together French teams interested in the targeting of RNA of therapeutic interest via the use of oligonucleotides or small molecules, but also teams interested in a better understanding of the biological mechanisms in which these RNAs are involved.

The GDR's actions aim to:

- reinforce the international visibility of the involved teams;

- federate the emergence of innovative and interdisciplinary research projects and thus increase the probability of success in competitive calls for proposals;

- improve, in the medium and long term, the competitiveness of French teams in the field at the international level;

- educate young researchers to interdisciplinarity;

- build a national network that will be useful to both young and established researchers.


Ethycal policy

The GDR RNA Executive Committee, and more in general all GDR Members, are strongly committed in the promotion of diversity, the fight against discrimination and the defense of gender balance.

This committment is implemented assuring good balance in the teams members of GDR but also in the speakers talking during the scientific meeting of the GDR.