Practical information to join Nice

Nice is easily joignable by plane ( or by train ( Once at the airport, Tram 2 will bring you in the city center (Stop Jean Médecin) in about 20-25 minutes.

Practical information to join Nice and the Château Valrose

The Théâtre du Château Valrose is located on Valrose Campus at 28 avenue Valrose close to stop Valrose Université (Tram 1, 10 minutes from stop Jean Médecin). From the tram stop, you need to walk 5 minutes to join the campus.

The Théâtre

The Théâtre Valrose can easily welcome 180 participants assuring physical distance for the assistance during the meeting. Lunches and coffee breaks will be available free of charges and, if possible, a gala dinner will be organized on the evening of October 14.

The Château Valrose