The 3rd Scientific Meeting of GDR RNA took place on June 30 and July 1 in Rennes.

See pictures of the event!! Key data are also available to know all about speakers and participants.

The best oral presentation award went to Limei Zou from Marc Graille’s team at Laboratoire de Biologie Structurale de la Cellule (BIOC Palaiseau):

Limei is a third-year Ph.D student in the Laboratory of Structural Biology of the Cell (BIOC) at Ecole Polytechnique (Palaiseau) under the supervision of Dr. Clément Chapat and Dr. Marc Graille. She came from China with a master’s degree in microbiology to pursue a Ph.D in France with the support of China Scholarship Council. She is presently focusing on the exploration of a novel translational repression mechanism orchestrated by the CCR4-NOT complex in the translation of methylated mRNAs. She has also finalized a research project exploring how the SARS-CoV-2 protein NSP2 impairs the post-transcriptional repression capacities of human cells. Overall, her Ph.D research involves a combined approach, whereby biochemical and functional knowledge derived from cell biology and proteomics will provide insight into how mRNA silencing machineries shape the human proteome.

The best poster presentation award went to Claire Fleurisson from Laurent Micouin’s team at Laboratoire de Chimie et Biochimie Pharmacologiques et Toxicologiques (LCBPT, Paris).

Claire Fleurisson was born in Grenoble (France) in 1996. She enrolled in preparatory classes for the french grandes écoles at the Lycée Champollion in Grenoble in 2014 which helped her gain entry in Chimie ParisTech in 2016. She graduated from Chimie ParisTech, school of engineering and chemical sciences in 2019 along with a master’s degree in molecular chemistry at Sorbonne Université. Recently, she started her doctoral studies under the supervision of Laurent Micouin and Erica Benedetti at Université de Paris in collaboration with Sanofi. Her current research focuses on the synthesis of new RNA binders.


Le Diapason
Allée Jules Noel
35042 Rennes
02 23 23 55 68